Chip Ervin – Why You Absolutely Need to Use Testimonials in Your Selling

Chip Ervin is an accomplished poker player and insurance broker. As a professional poker player, he is an expert in trust and deception.

Chip Ervin

Chip Ervin

The problem is that deception is widely spread not just in poker, where it’s expected, but everywhere around us.

The public is lied to all the time. People no longer trust anybody, yet in business, trust is required for making sales. There can be no sale without trust.

If you are a business owner looking to increase sales, you should know that your prospects are disillusioned and distrustful. There is a good reason for that. Your prospects have received promises too many times that never come to life.

The best, most straightforward path to providing your legitimacy to your prospects is to use testimonials from your past and existing clients.
Nothing that you can say about yourself can be as powerful and credible as what others say about you. You simply can’t overuse testimonials in business. If you have so many testimonials that no prospect will read or watch all of them, he or she will still be impressed with the number of people saying positive things about you. Testimonials are beneficial in every sales scenario, be it introducing a new product or responding to a negative situation.

A good testimonial should be similar to a pair of before and after pictures. The before part should touch on skepticism, mistrust, problems with no solutions. The after part needs to include a positive result, a solution, and a nice surprise.

As a DJ and insurance broker, Chip Ervin knows that there is no better selling tool than presenting a collection of testimonials from his happy customers.

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Chip Ervin – Total Customer Value as a Key to Success in Sales

Chip Ervin has built an impressive career as a professional poker player, DJ, and insurance broker. Being in these fields has taught him a great deal about sales and marketing.

Chip Ervin

When it comes to sales, many business owners and insurance brokers only focus on the first transaction. When they lose customers, they don’t do anything.

They don’t understand that all the money in business is with the customer. The customer who is happy and satisfied with a business has a lot of value to that business. The customer is an asset.

Total customer value is a number that shows how much money a customer spends with a business over the lifespan of being a customer.

To figure out your total customer value, look at your best customers, and determine how long they have been with your business and how much money they have spent with you over the years.

Knowing this number will allow you to approach your sales and marketing from a completely different perspective. You can spend much more money on acquiring a customer and building a sales process when you know that a customer is going to stay with you for a long time. You will also become much more aggressive when it comes to bringing back your lost customers.

Chip Ervin experienced this firsthand as a DJ. The goal of most successful nightclubs is to get a customer through the door for the first time because if the customer likes the club or the DJ, they will come back again and again and again.

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Chip Ervin – How to Price Broker Services

As a successful DJ, poker player and insurance broker Chip Ervin really understands business and sales.

There are all kinds of gurus and marketing experts out there, all of whom have different opinions about pricing strategies for brokers.

Some are advocating being the cheapest. Some are promoting the idea of always being the most expensive.

Chip Ervin

The problem with being the cheapest broker in your area is that you cannot build and sustain long-term relationships with clients based on the cheapest price alone.

The customers who buy solely based on the lowest price are only loyal to the cheapest price. The moment one of your competitor brokers offers a price cheaper than yours, such customers will leave you.

Also, the way you attract clients has a great impact on how you will sell to them in the future. There will always be someone willing to offer a cheaper price, even if this price bankrupts them in the long run.

As a broker you want to sell quality, service, personal attention, and unique benefits.

The worst thing that can happen to an insurance broker is commoditization, being perceived as a service of low-importance that can be easily replaced.

If you are emphasizing cheap prices when selling your services, that’s the image that you invite. Most of the times underpricing sends the wrong message to your prospects. You may be thinking that you have created an attractive offer, while in reality you are generating skepticism because of the perception that quality products and services can’t be cheap.

As an insurance broker, Chip Ervin has always been committed to selling only quality policies that really benefit his clients.

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Chip Ervin – Using Free Gifts to Increase Your Sales

Chip Ervin has been playing poker professionally since 2007. He is one of Alabama’s top poker players. He is also an insurance broker and a DJ. This vast experience gives him unique insights into the psychology of sales and human interactions.

Chip Ervin

Chip Ervin

Every sane, reasonable person knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch. However, we are all hoping for it and looking for it. This is why you want to use free gifts, or premiums in your selling.

A premium is something the customer gets for free when buying something else. A premium can be everything and anything. Some expensive homes even come with a Rolls Royce that a buyer gets as a free gift.

You want to choose a premium that is different from what you sell. Simply giving away products or services similar to yours devaluates your core business.

The best premiums are premiums that people want for themselves, but usually wouldn’t buy.

There can be plenty of reasons why someone may be able to afford an item, but never buy it. It may be that they will feel guilty about the purchase or others seeing them making the purchase. It may be that their household members wouldn’t approve of the purchase.

Figuring out what your prospects want and then giving it away free as a free gift with a purchase can be a very powerful strategy. In this scenario you will have prospects buying from you not just for your core offer, but also because you are fundamentally giving them a way out by using your gift without feeling guilty about it.

As a DJ, Chip Ervin witnessed nightclubs use this strategy very effectively when selling expensive tables and packages to affluent customers.

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Chip Ervin – How to DJ On A Budget

Chip Ervin has been a DJ since the age of fourteen, when he established himself as DJ Chip Hop at Super Skate. He eventually moved onto the underground rave scene, spinning discs with the likes of Evol Intent and Knick Bro Safari, even spending a period of his life working as a DJ in Atlanta. He is always interested in seeing new DJs ply their trade, with the following tips proving useful to those who are trying to do so on a budget.

Chip Ervin

Buy Second Hand
Having flash new equipment is all well and good, but it may restrict your purchasing options if you are working to a tight budget. Don’t be afraid to speak to other DJs to see if they have any older equipment that they are trying to sell. This will allow you the chance to work more dates, thus building the reputation and earning the money you need to improve your kit over time.

Use Good Music Sources
The likes of Spotify and Soundcloud are going to prove important to any DJs who have little to spend, as they offer you access to a huge variety of music at a low cost. This means that you get to spend less of your budget on building a collection of records, allowing you to funnel your money into buying new kit.

Take Lots of Gigs
While you may see yourself as a specific sort of DJ, Chip Ervin notes that all gigs give you the chance to earn money. Consider all opportunities that come your way and take as many paying gigs as possible.

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Chip Ervin – Tips For Improving As a Salesperson

As an experienced insurance broker, Chip Ervin has focused on constant improvement in order to achieve more sales and become a more valued member of the sales teams that he has worked with. The best salespeople are always looking to do better and are rarely satisfied with their performance levels, regardless of how high they are. These tips will help those who want to take more steps up the ladder.

Chip Ervin

Be Critical

It is likely that you will be working from a script during much of your sales career, especially if you are involved in telephone sales. This gives you the opportunity to learn about the product and your clients, but you should not assume that your script is perfect. Always approach your script with a critical mind and look for improvements that you can make based on your own knowledge of the product and your customers.

Be Disciplined

Salespeople need to understand that “no” is a word they are going to end up hearing quite often. The less-disciplined allow this to affect them too much, which only results in more refusals from potential customers. Stay disciplined and keep plugging away, understanding when to move onto new customers and when you can turn that “no” into a “yes” as you do.

Observe Others

Chip Ervin has his favored techniques when it comes to sales, but he still understands that there is an enormous amount to learn by watching others. Observe other salespeople so that you can figure out what they are doing to achieve success, or the mistakes they are making that result in lower sales figures.

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Chip Ervin – Advice For New Fathers

As the father of three children himself, Chip Ervin understands just how intimidating fatherhood can be for those who are expecting their first child. With so much advice out there, it is often difficult to figure out what you are meant to be doing and what will be right for you and your family. These simple pointers should help any new fathers get through those first years of fatherhood.

Chip Ervin

Mistakes Happen

The first thing you need to keep in mind is that mistakes can and will happen. You should always aim to be a great father, but striving for perfection in everything can also place undue stress on your shoulders that leads to more serious mistakes being made. Try to enjoy the whole process of being a father and be sure to learn from the mistakes that you do make and accept that they sometimes happen.

Be The Adult

As your child gets older and starts learning how to talk, you’re are occasionally going to find that stubbornness becomes an issue. Many experienced parents will be able to tell you stories of when “no” became their child’s favorite word. It is important that you maintain your air of authority and act as an adult in such situations. Don’t get into shouting matches with your children and make sure to discipline them appropriately.

Make Time For Others

Chip Ervin knows that many new parents find time management a struggle, and that’s okay. However, you should continue working on your other relationships when you have the chance, as this shows your child what it means to be a good friend.

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Chip Ervin – Pieces of Advice for Novice Poker Players

As an established professional poker player who has enjoyed a number of wins in high-stakes games during his career, Chip Ervin is well-placed to offer advice to those who are new to the game, especially those who wish to play professionally. These pieces of advice will prove useful to people who want to make sure they stand the highest chances of winning when at the table.

Chip Ervin

Chip Ervin

Educate Yourself

In order to be a good poker player you need to take the time to educate yourself regarding all of the complexities of the game. Poker is one of those games that is fairly easy to grasp but very hard to master, so you need to understand the different variations of the game and the tactics that you must use in each one before you start playing.

Start Slow

Jumping straight into high-stakes poker is dangerous, not least because you will inevitably end up playing against much more experienced players, thus increasing your chances of taking a loss. Your aim should be to always play with people who are at or slightly above your level. This gives you the chance to win a few hands, while also learning from fellow players so that you can continue your own development.

Be Patient

Chip Ervin notes that an overzealous poker player is one who is likely to lose more often than not. Stay patient and calculate your risks, instead of trying to play big on every hand. Observe the players around you and don’t get drawn into anybody else’s game.

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Chip Ervin – Keys to Successful Sales Strategies

Being a successful salesperson like Chip Ervin is something that takes experience, hard work, and perseverance to achieve. A good salesperson has a set strategy in mind before they move forward. Salespeople aren’t just gifted with gab, they understand business, the marketplace, and the consumer. Here are a few keys to developing a successful sales strategy:

Chip Ervin

  • Define Target Market: It is much easier to hit a target when you know how it looks, sounds, and behaves. A salesperson should think of a prospect in a similar fashion that a hunter would its prey. The more you know about the target market for your product, the better you will be at finding prospects and closing deals.
  • Create Questions: A good salesperson knows that asking clients questions is a good way to disarm them and get them thinking about why they need the service. So before going on a sales appointment, it is a good idea to create a list of relevant questions. These should be provocative questions that show the client their immediate need of the service.
  • Monitor and Adapt: The best salespeople continue to refine their sales strategy throughout their career. This requires you to properly monitor your performance. Find out what you are doing that is working, and what is not. Set goals, determine whether you hit those goals, then create new goals and adapt to reach them.

When Chip Ervin became an insurance broker he had to refine his salesmanship skills. His success in the field has been a result of his knowledge in sales.


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Chip Ervin – DJ Tips for Beginners

Chip Ervin started his career as a DJ when he was only a child, performing at a local super skate. Since then he has gone on to perform at many venues, including weddings, private parties, proms, underground raves, and more. DJing is a craft that takes time to develop. Doing well means refining your abilities. Here are a few tips to help beginner DJ’s get better:

Chip Ervin

  • Beatmix Tailoring: For beatmixing, it is important that both of the tracks you select are compatible for the mix. The best tracks for beatmixing are ones with steady beats, and a long enough steady section for you to perform the mix. It is also important to make sure that both of these tracks are running at the same speed. The synchronized tracks make for a better finished product.
  • Keep Kick Drums Aligned: A kick drum is a steady bass that dominates a vast majority of music. In order to prevent a mix from being off-beat, make sure to keep the kick drums aligned to prevent a sloppy sound. You can achieve this by nudging one kick drum forward and another back. Just remember to keep the tracks at the same speed.
  • Have Fun: The best DJ’s got that way because they are passionate about the craft. Remember to never be afraid to experiment, put your own spin on music, and have fun with what you do.

Chip Ervin developed his DJing skills over the years, which helped him gigs at weddings, private parties, raves, and more.


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